Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Paperwork Dance

So we finally have the paperwork out of our hands. It was not easy. First the whole packet was sent to the wrong address so that set us back a day or two. Then when we were downtown getting everything notarized and authenticated we found out that we had to send one thing to Sacramento and it would take 2-3 weeks!!

Thank God for my parents! They offered to drive to Sacramento and walk the document into the capitol to get authenticated so we overnighted it to them. When I finally had the whole packet back and was at Kinko's copying it all without taking out any staples (they are weird about this and it was over 80 pages!) I noticed that Jon's name was mispelled on one form!

Well, I almost had a breakdown! I had to wait for the next morning to call up to JOH and they said to leave it-as long as the notary had our names right, it should be fine. So I finally FedExed everything out Tuesday night. Sigh

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