Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving in Phoenix

We went out to Phoenix for Thanksgiving at Uncle Jamey's house this year.
 We did some hiking around town-the weather was gorgeous.
 There is a great train park with a museum and this fun ride on train. The first pic is in an open car and the other one is of the inside of a cattle car that was maybe 2 feet high!

 There was a fantastic outdoor mall with a huge Christmas tree and they had jets shooting snow out over the kids at 7pm each night. It doesn't photo well but Abby had fun! It was about 72 degrees out.

1 comment:

Jules said...

just wanted to make sure you knew that our Taiwan ROCks reunion will be in Anaheim this summer(July) We hope you guys can think about coming. We are hopeful to have between 70-80 families attend. Many have children from china as well:) We have a FB page with almost 300 families with kids from Taiwan and not sure if you do the FB thing, but it would connect you with so many families in your area. There is a lovely family in Carlsbad in fact.
Anyway, was just checking in on your guys and wanted to see how the girls first turkey day went together:) I am guessing Lina is at an age where she doesn't want to pose for pics.

Email me if you want further info on the reunion next summer. TECO is sponsering a full day of culture camp for the kids!!!